Biden Presidency and Its Effect on United States Foreign Policy
By Helarion Gema Bahagia Recently, the world has been in a frenzy with the presidential election of the United States. It was the bitter...

Indonesia’s Responsibility for Keeping International Environment Safe from Effects of Wildfire
By Elmerald Daud & Najla Nur Fauziyah INTRODUCTION Ever since the biggest wildfire case in 1997, Indonesia has time and time again...

2020 on Sight: Violation Against Human Rights in United States of America
Violation against human rights has been a big issue in America since the first 20th century, that is also the reason why The Bill of...

The Impact of US Policy on “Developing Country” List for Indonesia
Overview On 10 February 2020, Trump administration stated that U.S will not granted special preferences treatment towards several...

Horror Inside Long Xing 629: How IUU Fishing Could Lead to Exploitative Working Condition
Introduction On May 6th, 2020, amid COVID-19’s outbreak, a South Korean You Tuber, Jang Han-Sol has posted a video on his YouTube...

China’s Responsibility for COVID-19 Outbreak: An International Law Perspective
Author’s Notes: This article is a pure works of research and do not have any intention to undermine certain racial group Introduction The...

COVID-19: Does Indonesia Already Comply with Human Rights?
Introduction Until this article are written (28/3/2020), there are 1.155 cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Indonesia with number of...

BREXIT : UK Vacillation to Leave or Remain In The EU
European Union (EU) finally agreed to back the deadline for the United Kingdom (UK) process to leave the EU or Brexit until 31 January...

USA Recognition of Jerusalem In Contrary with International Law
The Beginning of the Conflict The status of Jerusalem is well-recognized as a long-disputed area since the British conquest of the city...

How Duterte’s “War on Drugs” turns into “Crimes Against Humanity”
Since its inauguration in 2016, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte issued one of his policies which is quite popular, namely the "war...